Not All Carbohydrates Are Created Equal
This is Dr. Judy welcoming you to my healthcast on Not All Carbohydrates are Created Equal.
Could this be the final long-sought-after key to long-term weight loss?
New science offers the benefits of eating a slow carb diet without the nutritional drawbacks and health risks of eating a low-carb diet.
Let’s try to clear up the confusion. Foods that contain simple, processed, refined carbohydrates are generally low in nutrients, because the manufacturing process has removed their essential fiber. These foods include white bread, potatoes, soft drinks and sweets. These so-called “bad” carbs are digested quickly, causing your blood sugar to surge. Your body responds with an insulin surge that causes your blood sugar to plummet, within a few hours, to a level below the starting blood sugar value. This fluctuation of blood sugar resulting in low blood sugar, creates a sensation of hunger which leads to overeating, and excessive weight gain.
Slow carbs in contrast, are loaded with fiber and other nutrients that haven’t been processed out. These foods include whole grains, legumes, and fruits and vegetables. Slow carbs are digested slowly. Slow carbs don’t cause surges in blood sugar and insulin and help curb your appetite, thereby promoting weight loss.
This healthy way to lose weight is called a low-glycemic load diet. Slow carbs speed weight loss by keeping your blood sugar level steady. That helps tame your appetite and suppress overeating.
So my recommendation is to stick to a lifetime diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy and whole grains or slow carbs. To learn more on glycemic index go to
This is Dr. Judy thanking you for listening to “Not All Carbs Are Created Equal”. Please feel free to e-mail me at with your questions or suggestions. Please visit me online at Until next time, this is Dr. Judy wishing your family good health.